Past Reunions

There have been several Raza Unida events over the years

1989 There was a get together in San Antonio, Texas
2009 There was a get together of activists in Dallas, Texas
2012 There were two reunions in 2012. One was in El Paso, Texas in September and the other was in Austin, Texas in July.
Rene Rentería graciously shared the photo gallery of the 2012 reunion, please make sure to use the password: Santos
[More information on these events is forthcoming]

We need your help!

The reunion will be funded by members and sponsors like yourself, we kindly appreciate your support. To make a tax-exempt donation to La Raza Unida Party 50th year Reunion make a check or money order payable to Greater Dallas Legal and Community Development Foundation, Inc. and mail it to PO Box 19457, Austin, Texas 78760. For questions, please contact Linda del Toro at (512) 415-3278; De[email protected]